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u tell her/him immediatly but dnt do anything the teacher could go to jail for rape on a student the best thing is to get removed from the teacher(s )class

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Q: Having a lesbian crush on a teacher?
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Is having a crush on a teacher a good or bad thing?

depends on their age. It is usually bad, but not unknown.

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What does that mean She's lesbian but I am a guy it seems she's crushing on you?

If she's really a lesbian, then she can might be able to have a man-crush on you (also called a "bromance"), but not an intimate or romantic crush.

You are a lesbian with a crush on your gay male friend and apparently the crush is mutual so what now?

I find this question confusing, as you say you are a lesbian and your friend is gay...yet you are attracted to each other..

Lesbian crush and I am a boy what do I do?

Hah sorry to say this bud but you’re screwed. If she is lesbian she isn’t attracted to men, and that’s that.

Is Amy rose a lesbian?

No! First why would you ask that??? Second she has a major crush on Sonic in case you have not noticed. No Amy is NOT a lesbian!

What do you do if your teacher is a lesbian?

The same thing you do if your teacher is straight. Pay attention and learn!

Im 14 and in love with your teacher is that okay?

get over him, he could get fired and your future could be at stake. its just bad no matter what you do. unless your out of school then just get over him. i promise it'sthe best thing.

What is Jesse's teacher in terabithia?

Jesse's teacher is a music teacher and Jesse has a crush on her

What do you do if you are a lesbian and have a crush on a girl but can't tell if the girl likes you?

you have to come out to her, Im not sure if you know this girl is also a lesbian or if you have no idea. In the event you dont know if she is lesbian or not you have to come out to her.

Is Deryn Sharp a lesbian?

No, because she has a huge crush on Alek. Lilit, however, has been confirmed by Scott Westerfeld to be either lesbian or bi.

Is it true that lesbians are two girls?

A lesbian is a woman who is attracted to other women. Like the way a girl would have a crush on a boy, a lesbian would have a crush on a girl. So I suppose yes, a lesbian couple is two girls, two girls who are a couple - just like a man and a woman.