My last buttock injection across a receptionist's lap was a penicillin shot in adolescence.
Pull down my pants, bend over and try (usually unsuccessfully) to think about something other than the injection.
keep an eye out and he will Chloroform may be necessary ;)
you bend over you bend over
O course Dinosuars can bend over. There actually many dinoaurs that can bend over for an example, a stegosaurus can bend over and eat some leaves in low lands.
bend up : slide the chord up bend down : slide the chord down
Bend Over, Touch Your Toes !
because he or she want bend over and over
Greater Responsibility is placed on the receptionists, and guys also work at reception jobs.
"kneel", "stoop", "crouch", "bend over"
Expain 3 shot injection molding process
bend over
The cast of Bend Over Boyfriend - 1998 includes: Carol Queen