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Unlikely if you've had your period

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Q: Hard lower stomach and have just had my period and I'm also on the pill could i be pregnant?
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If your lower part of your stomach is hard after nine weeks after period?

If your stomach is hard nine weeks after period you are probably either pregnant or blood is filling up in your stomach

Is it possible to b pregnant and have a slightly bloated stomach and lower stomach and still be on your period or is it just you being paranoid thinking you r pregnant eventhough you r on your period?

Get tested. I believe it is possible, so just get tested.

What if your 17 having lower backaches tiredness weird stomach feelings your period is due in 2 days you had sex 2 days after your ovulating time could you be pregnant?

There is ALWAYS a chance that you can get pregnant after engaging in intercourse ...

You have lower back pain and fullness of the stomach what could be wrong?

Could you be pregnant? Check that if not could be you are either having excessive gas in your stomach or blotting or digestive problems.

What could it mean to have lots of gas bloating lower back pain?

Type your answer here... if i have lower back pain and lower stomach pains and gassy alot does that mean i could be pregnant??

I am Pregnant and i have a pain on my right hand side lower stomach what could this be?

the baby is probobly kicking there or ask your docter.

Could you be pregnant if you have pains right below your belly button?

Yes you could. That is what happend to my mom. She felt kicks in her lower stomach and went to the hospital.

Where do you get period pains?

A little under your stomach by your bellybutton

I wake up every morning with bad stomach pains in my lower stomach it feels like my stomach is tight. Could this mean I'm pregnant?

yes you could possibly be young one take 2 pregnancy tests and find out

Could be pregnant if lower abdomen pains after iui?

aug22 my first iui done.after iui 2days higher stomach pain for me.and another days stomach pain is low.and then slightly lower stomach pain for me.what are the symptoms for this is?pls answered for me?

Can stomach pains be a sign of a period?

No you probably have cancer, I give you 2 months tops.