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Give an example of a suggestions you could give to an older person that would promote a healthy lifestyle practice

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Q: Example of a suggestion you would give to an older person to promote a healthy lifestyle practice?
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How you can practice healthy lifestyle?

You can have a healthy lifestyle by having a proper diet and regular exercise. You should also follow the right food pyramid :D ..

How can you practice a healthy lifestyle?

You can have a healthy lifestyle by having a proper diet and regular exercise. You should also follow the right food pyramid :D ..

What are prevention techniques for keeping yourself healthy?

Get vaccinations,Adopt a healthy lifestyle,and Practice good hygiene

What is living range mean?

Living range refers to the specific geographic area in which a particular species naturally lives and can be found. It represents the boundaries within which a species can survive and reproduce, and can be influenced by factors such as food availability, climate, and habitat type. Understanding the living range of a species is important for conservation efforts and management of wildlife populations.

What are the benefits of having a healthy lifestyle?

List 10 benefits to having a healthy lifestyle.

What are common prevention techniques that will reduce the risk of getting diseases?

Get appropriate vaccinations and immunizations,Practice healthy lifestyle decisions (whoop whoop)

What is healthy lifestyle in Hebrew?

Healthy lifestyle = אורח חיים בריא (orach khayyim baree)

Why do 6-12 year olds need a healthy lifestyle?

everyone needs a healthy lifestyle!

What are the legislation that support a healthy lifestyle for children?

the UNCRC 1989 has some articles linking to a healthy lifestyle.

What are roles can be played to make the healthy lifestyle campaign successful?

The best role to make a healthy lifestyle campaign successful would be leading by example. During the campaign and before make sure to eat right, exercise and educate others on the dangers of being overweight. It is also important to show self confidence and just explain how important a healthy lifestyle is.

Why is a healthy lifestyle so important?

A healthy lifestyle is important because it is a way to keep your body in good shape in order to accomplish day-to-day tasks. For example, if you're not in a healthy condition (let's say you have severe acne problems) then you would have low self-esteem that would cause you to stutter. (Just an example) Say if you're suffering from severe diarrhea every day because you are not eating what you ought to be eating, then you will be unable to work, therefore you won't be able to pay your bills. If you don't pay your bills you'll be living out in the streets, so then you'll be a bum with diarrhea and no money. A healthy lifestyle is very important even if it doesn't go to such high extremes, being healthy is important.

Definition of healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle is a lifelong commitment to follow a healthy eating plan, manage your weight and do regular physical activities.