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Q: Does tolerance to any drug decreases with non-use?
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Can tolerance to any drug decrease with none use?


What are the long term affects of taking Vicodin for pain besides addiction?

It is all connected. As tolerance increases, the dosage must be increased to reduce the pain, which causes further increase in tolerance. Increased tolerance to any drug is usually the first distinct symptom of addiction.

How do people get addicted to drugs very quickley?

There are many different factors that leads to drug addiction. There is a tolerance that builds over time for any given drug and then comes physical dependence also depending on the drug. Addiction works in crazy ways and one's mind can tell the body that it wants that drug. Environmental factors play a part in this, as well as genetics, drug type, even what is going on in person's life at the time of abuse/use. The more of a drug and the time in between uses of the drug a person uses the quicker the tolerance for that drug is built.

What is the difference between a drug-drug interaction and drug disease?

drug-drug interaction is when two or more drugs interact pharmacodynamically in such a way that the toxicity of one or more drugs are altered.while drug desease is any negative feedback a drug come with like addiction, tolerance, dependency. examples of drug deseases are veral hepatitis, drug abuse, drug induced liver desease e.t.c.

Can weed stop getting you high?

Like any drug or medication, you can build up a tolerance for the intoxicant in marijuana, THC. So, yes, "weed can stop getting you high."

Does RAID 0 provide fault tolerance?

RAID 0 does not provide any fault tolerance.

What are the parts of alchoholism?

The "parts" of alcoholism are the same as those for addiction to any other drug. They include dependence, tolerance and withdrawal. Of course, there are many other "parts", because alcoholism is a very complex disease.

Can a person become immune to lithium?

No. There is no ability of the human body to develop any known tolerance to the lithium bases (Lithium Citrate, Lithium Carbonate, etc). The drug, in fact, operates so close to the toxic threshold that any such tolerance might quickly prove fatal. A failure, over time, of lithium salts to treat a disorder has more to do with patient neuro-chemistry that favors an alternate drug (preferably an anti-convulsant such as Carbamazepine), or perhaps misdiagnosis, than anything else.

What is maximum tolerance?

Maximum tolerance is the capacity to control one selves from any words or any acts against his person but not putting his life in eminent danger.

Why do drug addicts take more and more drugs to get the same effect?

Drug addicts take more and more drugs because as they do more and more of any particular drug they begin building up a tolerance to it. That means they have to take more and more of the drug to get the same high. This is both what gets a person addicted in many cases, and why people end up doing more and more drugs.

Can Tolerance can cause an overdose?

Tricky question: directly? No. Indirectly? Yes. Tolerance to a drug or substance occurs when the body adapts to regular doses and results in more of the drug or substance being required to achieve the same effect. So a regular drug or substance user may be able to take higher doses without overdosing. (Although tolerance won't prevent overdoses where the strength of the drug has increased without the user's knowledge and they don't lower the dose or from users making excessively large dose increases.) But, many overdoses occur when users have a lowered tolerance to the drug or substance. This most often occurs when the user stops using for a period of time and then resumes using again with the same dose. As their tolerence has decreased, their previous safe dose can be too much and result in overdose. This is the cause of a large number of heroin overdoses: users stop for a while then use the same amount they previously could handle. If someone hasn't used a drug or substance for any length of time, they should always use a smaller amount to reduce their chance of overdose.

Why is lesuride 25mg used and does it have any side effects?

Lesuride is a prokinetic drug that increases the speed with which the food is transported across the food passage. Nexpro is a proton pump inhibitor which decreases the acid production in the stomach.