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Yes, it can

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Q: Does the use of household inhalants can cause death?
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How is the use of amphetamines different from the use of inhalants?

Inhalants can cause immediate brain damage while amphetamines do not.

Why is the use of inhalants very dangerous to a person's health?

Inhalants can cause cardiac arrest, that means your heart can stop and you will die. Don't use them, it could happen to you!

Why do people use inhalants?

People use inhalants because they are stupid

The use of inhalants is not considered dangerous.?

The inappropriate, non-medical use of inhalants is very dangerous and should be avoided.

What is the likelihood that people who use inhalants will die from them?

There is no real statistic about death from inhalants, but they are definitely harmful to the body, especially to the lungs. Hurting the lungs is a very dangerous thing to do, since the lungs are responsible for the life-sustaining act of breathing.

What is the likelihood that people will use inhalants will die from them?

There is no real statistic about death from inhalants, but they are definitely harmful to the body, especially to the lungs. Hurting the lungs is a very dangerous thing to do, since the lungs are responsible for the life-sustaining act of breathing.

What household substances get you high?

WikiAnswers does not provide instructions on how to use drugs. Certain household products -- mostly spray-cans -- can be used to get high. They're called "inhalants." A lot of people "huff" these products because 1) they are cheap, and 2) they are legal. However, these products are deadly poisons, and they can cause brain damage and INSTANT death, even for experienced users! See the Related Links for more information. And over-the-counter pills and medications like cough syrup and sleeping pills can also cause severe, irreversible damage or death.

What are some things you would say to persuade someone not to use inhalants?

Inhalants can produce mind-altering and pleasurable effects such as stimulation and decreased inhibition, but they can also produce a number of unwanted side effects. Inhalants work much like anesthetics on the brain, which means they slow down the body's systems, including respiration. They can interfere with the heart's rhythm and cause heart failure, resulting in death. Less severe, but irreversible hazards of chronic exposure to inhalants are brain damage, nerve damage, hearing loss, bone marrow damage, and damage to heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys.

What is the correct term that describes the use of inhalants as a drug in which the person's body slows down and causes the person to lose control of their behavior and emotions?

The correct term for the use of inhalants as a drug that slows down the body and causes loss of control over behavior and emotions is "inhalant abuse" or "volatile substance abuse." Inhalants are chemicals found in common household products that, when inhaled, can produce mind-altering effects. Persistent inhalant abuse can lead to serious health consequences and addiction.

How many people die each year from inhalants?

Only an extremely small percentage. This is due to the fact that first use is usually incidental and mild, rarely involving abuse is amounts toxic enough to cause death. However, over time, the habitual user of inhalants increases use and abuse, occasionally to the point of lethal toxicity.

What is chemical inhalants?

They are household products that kids use to smell or inhale to get "high." They are very dangerous and many people die from them every year. If you wanna get a harmless high do it right and go buy some weed :)

What is another name for inhalants?

use your brain