It absolutely DOES cause bloating and abdominal distension .
Yes, PID can cause bloating, as can the antibiotics used to treat it. It is important to stay in close contact with your health care provider during treatment for PID. Call the office today to talk about your symptoms.
Yes, low carb foods can help you to avoid stomach bloating if the cause is food (and it usually is).
Avoid foods that cause stomach bloating. You can use peppermint tea as a remedy.
The definition of bloating- Bloating is any abnormal general swelling, or increase in diameter of the abdominal area. So i would say yes. That's exactly what bloating is. but the effects are not permanent.
The original answer was almost entirely incorrect. In addition to the bulge and pain caused by a hernia, a variety of other symptoms can be involved. Digestive issues such as bloating, nausea, and reflux can occur due to to the intestines becoming partially or completely trapped within the hernia, even without an evident bulge. Surgery is the only way to repair a hernia. If you suspect you have a hernia which is causing digestive symptoms, see a doctor. A strangulated hernia (where the intestine becomes irreducibly trapped in the hernia) is a medical emergency.
Yes those are two minor symptoms
A hiatal hernia can cause a burning sensation in the esophagus due to acid reflux. The hernia allows stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus, irritating its lining and leading to heartburn and a burning sensation.
An umbilical hernia was left unoperated on for too long. He died after the operation. Rutherford died on October 19 1937 from a hernia. There was a delay in his operation because he was a Lord and was required to be operated on by a titled doctor (a sir) it was this delay that caused him to die.
Bloat is the inability to remove gases (through belching) from the stomach. This is often a result in gorging on too much grain, or high protein feeds such as alfalfa or clover. Gas will continue to build up expanding the stomach and putting pressure on major organs such as the lungs.
It is possible but the only relation is some dogs get extremely nervous while riding In a car so subsequently the stress could cause stomach distortion.
weight gain -- bloating and distended abdomen from production of stomach acide