Avoid foods that cause stomach bloating. You can use peppermint tea as a remedy.
There are a variety of good home remedies floating around the internet that deal with a bloated stomach. One of the most popular is lemon juice and warm water.
There are no home remedies for tumors, you should get your hamster checked by a vet.
Best home remedies for good 8 hour sleep is, do not smoke, or drink coffee, and go to sleep at 9.pm.
peppermint either in warm water or if the child is old enough in candies
Some effective home remedies to settle a dog's stomach include feeding them a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice, giving them small amounts of plain yogurt or pumpkin puree, and ensuring they have access to plenty of fresh water. It's important to consult with a veterinarian before trying any home remedies to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your dog's specific situation.
Good home remedies for stress and anxiety is always good to remember. If you are stressed out try aroma therapy, with scents like lavender, mint or tea tree oil.
Heartburn home remedies can be found on Best Health Mag, WebMD, Healthy Living, One Good Thing, DIY Natural, Mayo Clinic, Homemade Medicine and Home Remedies.
There are some good home remedies for yellow teeth, such as using lemon acid, hydrogen peroxide or wood ash. Also strawberries and baking soda methods.
There are many home remedies for morning sickness. Eating crackers, potato chips, fruits and vegetables, and drinking fluids to avoid dehydration should all help. Fennel seed tea, ginger root, lavender, thyme and mint can be steeped into a tea that can be soothing to the stomach. http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/natural-medicine/home-remedies/home-remedies-for-morning-sickness2.htm
A website that is highly recommended is: www.familydoctor.org - This website will provide information on home remedies for colds. Also, www.webmd.com is a good website.
If you've got a "bile buildup in the stomach", surgery may be required. Bile doesn't normally enter the digestive system until after the stomach, and if your digestive tract is flowing backwards, home remedies are not likely to help.
When a person comes down with the stomach flu it is important to keep them hydrated. Sports drinks are great becasue they contain electrolytes. Cola and ginerale are thought to help relieve nausea. Tylenol can be given for the aches but be sure to not give ibuprofen as it can irritate the stomach.