

Does the shot hurt so bad?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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sometimes they might

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Q: Does the shot hurt so bad?
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How bad would you get hurt if you got shot with a BB gun?

bad! im guessing :(

When was Hurt So Bad created?

Hurt So Bad was created in 1965.

Does the rocephin shot hurt?

yes! Very bad i was givin it in my leg and it hurt for over 1and a half hours

Does it hurt to get stitches?

Well ... you're sticking a needle into your skin. Of course it hurts, but it's not bad because first they give you a shot that numbs the area so you don't feel it after the shot.

When was Why Does It Hurt So Bad created?

Why Does It Hurt So Bad was created on 1996-07-22.

Does a needle shot hurt without it numb?

Not to bad. It depends really what type of shot it is. If it is a tetnous shot, it hurts a little bit more, but you don't need to worry... it isn't too bad! (;

What makes a shot hurt less?

Putting ice in the area before you get the shot is a good way to make a shot hurt less. This can numb the area well. While you still might feel the poke, it won't be as bad.

How many shots do you get for 6th grade?

ME boaster and the iminazation shot ! Good luck they don't hurt that bad . :)

Does getting a shot hurt more than belly button piercings?

well a shot is worse then a belly button piercings because a shot can hurt you so bad you will have to go to the hospertal but a belly button piercings will just sting

Does the gardisel shot hurt?

The Gardasil shot hurts worse than almost any other shot I can think of. I got all three rounds of Gardasil last year. I got three other shots at the time of the first Gardasil (flu shot, tetanus shot, and meningitis), and the first Gardasil hurt worse than any of them. The second shot hurt worse than the first one, and the third one hurt worse than the second and the first one. It is worth it though, cancer is even worse. If you are getting the Gardasil shots, ask the nurse or doctor to inject a local anesthesia before the actual vaccine so that it doesn't hurt as bad.

Why does it hurt so much after you get any shot?

Because when any sharp thing is injected into your body its gonna hurt.

Do hepatitist shot's hurt?

For me, they did not hurt.