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Q: Does roibos tea cause frequent urination?
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Is oolong tea safe to drink after taking Tylenol?

No, It has caffeine which does not mix well. Make sure you use a caffeine less tea such as roibos or herbal blends

Can tea cause frequency in urination?

Tea is just water filtered through dried leaves that causes a molecular bond, where the tea molecule attaches to the water molecule(H20). With the added stimulant drug known as caffeine, it over initiates contractions in the bladder. The nervous system activates tiny bits of adrenaline. Thus, caffeine being considered a pick me up(speed) it also speeds up the bladder. Not to be too detailed or anything.

Can cinnamon tea cause miscarriage?

Cinnamon tea has not been reported to cause miscarriages.

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Can black tea cause heartburn?

Depending on your body chemistry and metabolism, it is possible for black tea to cause heartburn.

Is it true that tea and coffee are diuretics?

Yes, both tea and coffee are considered diuretics, meaning they can increase urine production and lead to more frequent trips to the bathroom.

Does tea cause cavity?

Tea itself does not directly cause cavities. However, adding sugar to tea can contribute to cavity formation if proper oral hygiene is not maintained. Decaffeinated tea with no added sugar is a better option for dental health.

How frequent is Tea and Coffee Trade Journal published?

The Tea & Coffee Trade Journal is published on a monthly basis. The journal is published by Lockwood Publications, Inc. The entire journal can be read online at the Tea and Coffee website.

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Does Turkey Hill brand ice tea cause gallstones?

Yes, Turkey Hill brand iced tea can in fact cause gallstones. In fact, any type of iced tea can cause gallstones. If you have prior issues with your kidneys or gallstones, stay away from iced tea products.