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No, strength or resistance training will not affect bone growth patterns.

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No. If you tie something too tight on a part of the body it could cause the blood to quit flowing to that part of the body and cause a problem.

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Q: Does resistance bands stunt your growth if a child?
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Does Strattera stunt growth?

If children of a young age take Ritalin is has been known to stunt their growth by a few inches to 6 inches.

Do energy drinks stunt the penis growth?

Maybe, but it won't stunt your growth

What is the definition of stunt?

To hinder from growing to the natural size; to prevent the growth of; to stint, to dwarf; as, to stunt a child; to stunt a plant., A check in growth; also, that which has been checked in growth; a stunted animal or thing., Specifically: A whale two years old, which, having been weaned, is lean, and yields but little blubber.

Does heavy lifting stunt your growth?

Heavy lifting will not stunt your growth. Your growth depends mainly upon eating a good diet. Smoking cigarettes is known to stunt the growth of a child, mainly because it reduces appetite and so leads to an inadequate diet.

Does caffeine in general stunt growth?

no, it does not. it is thought to, but it won't stunt your growth! it is still not good for you.

Will wearing diapers stunt penis growth?

no. but it will stunt your dignity.

Does weight vests stunt your growth?

Weight vests will not stunt your growth. A person's growth in all internal and it does not matter what types of items they have on them.

Is it healthy for a child to cut weight for wrestling at age 12?

i would have to say no, because the child is just beinnning to develope and if he does start cutting, it will stunt his growth.

Can jogging stunt your growth?


Does neutering a dog stunt their growth?

Neutering a dog does not stunt their growth. It may affect their metabolism and energy levels, but it does not impact their physical growth.

How tall do children grow in a year?

It depends on the age of the child, the gender of the child, and how tall the original parents were and any disease the child may have (because certain diseases can stunt growth).

Does masterbrate stunt growth?

No, masturbation does not stunt growth. Growth during puberty is mainly determined by genetics and hormones, not by sexual activity. It is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality.