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no. but it will stunt your dignity.

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Q: Will wearing diapers stunt penis growth?
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Do energy drinks stunt the penis growth?

Maybe, but it won't stunt your growth

Does wearing a backpack stunt a teenager's growth?

no it does not

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Do high heels stunt your growth?

Some people believe wearing heels at a young age can stunt your growth, but theres a actually no proof behind that theory.

What are some things that stunt your penis growth?

it is genetic. what ya got is what ya got.

Does wearing a smaller bra to what you should be wearing stunt breast growth?

I don't believe so. But it may make your breasts look a little larger

Can being born premature stunt penis growth?

your pini is so small no one can see so whats the point

Does a lot of streching like in football stunt the growth of your penis?

Not at all! Stretching helps make sure you do not pull any muscles when playing sports or engaging in strenuous activity. The growth of the penis has nothing to do with streches. Just make sure you keep your penis protected when playing!

Does caffeine in general stunt growth?

no, it does not. it is thought to, but it won't stunt your growth! it is still not good for you.

Does weight vests stunt your growth?

Weight vests will not stunt your growth. A person's growth in all internal and it does not matter what types of items they have on them.

Does neutering a dog stunt their growth?

Neutering a dog does not stunt their growth. It may affect their metabolism and energy levels, but it does not impact their physical growth.

Can jogging stunt your growth?
