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Q: Does pooping make a girl feel good?
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How Do You turn a GOOD GIRL into a FREAK?

Make her feel happy and sad LoL

How do you go out with a girl when you feel ugly?

She should make you feel good about yourself, if she doesn't she's not worth your time.

Is saying a girl is cute a good for step for a relationship?

Answer It surely won't hurt and would probably make the girl feel really good

How do you date cute girls?

Be good to them. If you make a girl feel good then that's it, they fall for you. Saying you love something specific about them, e.g: The way their hair curls, or the colour of their eyes. Compliment them, make the relationship last freshly and let them know how special they are everyday. That's how you make a girl feel good, and if you can do that then you can date a cute girl.

Girl that's a friend and you want to make out with her?

You should tell her how you feel about her. Good Luck!

What does a girl want on their first date?

Good conversation, someone who can make them laugh, a gentleman and just to feel special.

Make a girl like you?

to make a girl like you make her feel special tell her somethings about her and if that dosent work then just tell her you want to go out with her but remember dont be shy when asking her/him out good luck

Everything a girl wants to have to make them feel prettier?

I girl needs a smile, make up and a stress free life to make her feel prettier.

How do you make a boy forget a another girl?

well pooping in a toilet with lolipopos time my ex slapped me over and over and over again

How do you make a girl you love want you?

you can treat her nicely and make her realize how good you are together, but if she doesnt love you you cant make her.but you can make her realize she loves you by treating her nicely, complimenting her, i was recently in a relationship with a boy who won me over by complimenting me and simply making me laugh. he was always there for me and he made me feel good about myself, that is what you should do. talk to her a lot when she wants to and make her feel good about herself. make her feel good and she'll come to you

Why do boys act brave all the time when girls are around?

to look good to let you know that he is a good boyfriend and to make a girl feel protected

What hobbies will get atrract a girl?

if you mean what will attract a girl than here's the answer... most girls like in a guy is they can make girls laugh, who are smart, good looking, make the girl u like feel good about herself, confidence, and being able to take care of himself.