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well pooping in a toilet with lolipopos time my ex slapped me over and over and over again

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Q: How do you make a boy forget a another girl?
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I like a girl but she likes another boy who likes her back what should i do i like her a lot?

Forget about her till she is alone again

How do you make a boy break up with his girl friend to like another girl?

be nice

How do you make a boy not like the girl you like?

Type your answer here..make another cute girl like him then make the girl say i like you

Should a girl love a boy after he put her down and leavs her for another girl and comes back to her?

No. He is a player and will do it again. Forget him and find someone who respects and appreciates you.

When a girl like a boy but a boy like another girl?

Listen, I am guessing your a girl.... This has happened to me before and what i did was forget about him pick out the points i don't like and then use them to stop liking them xx I just tried to forget. I found someone else who was better and we are going out and he is ugly (for lack of a better word) now. It will get better.

How can you make a boy love you but he loves another girl?

simply move on.

How do you make a boy in ourworld be a girl?

Dude, you can't you might have to make another account...

What if a boy tells you he likes you but then says he loves another girl what do i do?

When did he say these things? and are you guys dating? My opinion is that if he loves another girl, forget him. It's not fair to have a boyfriend who's "cheating" on you, even if you know he is.

What does a girl do if she tells a boy she loves him and he says 'Forget it'?

she'll cry!

What does it mean to shift a boy or a girl?

To shift a boy or a girl means to move onto another boy or girl.

How do you be a boy on It Girl on Facebook?

You can not make a boy avatar on It Girl. Even if a boy plays, they can only make girl avatars.

Boy you like kisses another girl?

If a boy you like kisses another girl, if you really like him be happy for him!