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Q: Does people have bad breath for no reason?
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Do people with halitosis ALWAYS have bad breath?

Yes - bad breath is the meaning of halitosis

Can bad breath be transferred by kissing?

no way or else alot of people will have bad breath and then the world will stink and what kind of question is this

How do you get people to stop thinking you have bad breath?

Make sure your breath is good (i.e. brushing, flossing, tongue-scraping, and a breath mint) and make a point of the fact until they no longer associate you with bad breath.

How many people in the world have bad breath from smoking?


Why is the reason that people invented mints?

cause your breath smell like crap do da stanky breath do da stanky breath! lolz hahaha

Can a panic attack cause bad breath?

A panic attack can cause sweating, shortness of breath (Hard to breathe), black spots in vision, racing heart and more. But, unless you were sick during a panic attack, there shouldn't be any reason for bad breath.

Does Miley Cyrus have a horrible breath?

No people now stop making rumors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why shouldn't people be allowed to carry firearms?

The same reason people shouldn't be allowed to breath.

Do you hate bad breath?

i think most people who have common sense do

Does cavities make your breath stink?

yes but very little. cavities are location where bacteria and other pathogens can reside. this causes the accumulation of polygons substances that give off a bad Oder. usually the cause of bad breath in people with cavities is that cavities are mostly found in people with bad dental hygiene- which is to itself a cause for bad breath.

Does holding your breath increase your endurance or is it bad for you?

Holding your breath without any reason is actually bad for the body. If you are performing any activity, swimming for instance, holding your breath for long time will work for your benefit. To build good endurance regular physical exercise is advisable.

Does smoking give bad breath?

Smoking deteriorates the gums over the years, causing a disease called periodontitis, which causes very bad breath. But most of all, the smoke itself smells bad, and when you inhale it in your body, your mouth keeps that horrible smell and you get extreme bad breath. If you smoke, most people won't tell you that you have bad breath, but they will avoid you.