Will exercise have an effect on your pulse rate?
== exercise effect the pulse because if you walk it doesnt
effect it but if you run it does effect it because the heart is
pumping faster so the blood is moving faster = Actually, pulse rate
can change with walking, too, just not as much. Pulse rate is
lowest when the body is resting, and increases as the level of
muscle activity increases, since increases in activity make higher
demands for oxygen for the muscles to work. The pulse rate quickens
in response to the body's need for more oxygen (and for more
disposal of the carbon dioxide formed in the muscles and other
tissues from combining oxygen and the carbons in glucose or fat as
they are burned for fuel, thus providing energy for the muscles to
use to contract). SImply standing up is more exercise than resting,
and although we don't usually think of simply standing up as
exercise, the pulse rate will increase slightly. Further increases
in exercise level, such as walking, will increase the pulse rate
further, even though we might not sense the increase in pulse rate
until periods of heavier exercise such as running.