Not right away. After a while, semen can take on a fishy odor, though.
stink bugs r not female because females don't stink male dofemale stink bugs NO male r stink bugs
there are bartolin's glands that secrete not ejaculation in the male sense
Yes, it does.
Male plants stink a little, but it's the female with more THC & sap stinks to highheavens.
The future tense of "stink" is "will stink."
Yes, male weed plants can release a strong odor, particularly when they reach maturity. However, the scent may not be as pungent as that of female plants, which contain more resin and aroma-producing compounds.
They do not stink.
Not in the act of ejactulation itself, it's what you are doing when it is released that can be damaging.
Because your stink ass was petting him so he rolled in his own crap to make himself smell better.
no it will not. the stink bugs protection will always be there
it does stink
it doesnt stink