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Male plants stink a little, but it's the female with more THC & sap stinks to highheavens.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

it really all depends on what kinda green u talkin like low meds no but like purp and gran daddy hell yeah

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Q: Do male marijuna plants stink
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Do male weed plants stink?

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stink bugs r not female because females don't stink male dofemale stink bugs NO male r stink bugs

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Stink weed does stink. Several plants are called stink weed such as Tree of Heaven a.k.a. Ghetto Palm a.k.a. Ailanthus a.k.a. Stink Tree. Jimson weed is also called stink weed. If you don't think either of these plants stink, you ought to look up "Anosmia", "Hyposmia", or "Dysosmia"...your nose just isn't working right.

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Are the stink bugs the reason why the swamp stinks?

no. the reason why swamps stink is because of dead and decaying plants, trees, and animals. not stink bugs.

How do you take care of a stink bug?

They eat plants so you can lure them out with tasty plants or take a piece of paper and pick them up with it or if your talking about a pet stink bug feed them plants

What do stink bugs est?

Stink bugs suck fluids oud of plants with their needle-like moutparts.

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knifes, harpoons, arrows, and stink bombs. stink bombs were filed with rotten plants. made of

Does male guinea pig pee stink more than female?

Yes, it does.

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