No. It is not uncommon and not harmful.
Mark Wahlberg has one. They airbrushed it out o fhis old Calvin Klein ads but you can see it in movies where he has his shirt off.
I think you mean sarcoma which is a cancer having to do with connective tissues.
An inverted nipple is a normal variation in most people. It's a nipple that is "flat," that doesn't stick out.
That you decided to get a nipple piercing.
Having heterogeneously dense fibroandular tissue is a cancer cell does that mean i have breast cancer already?
you mean 'have' you idiot. and cause she thinks its cool, its really not, i suggest she sprays it with deodorant and flick it off!
A long breast with no nipple.
No. Someone having an enlarged prostate does not mean they will develop cancer.
it means that you tan yourself or pay to get your nipple and arura darkened.
A white pus discharge from any nipple in a man is very serious because it could be a tumor. The discharge may not be pus and could be normal discharge if from a woman. Although, if it is pus, it could be a sign of breast cancer.
It might mean that you are having cancer or something
The nipple is nipple tenderness. Breasts tenderness is usually when touching any part of your breast..apart from your nipple...causes tenderness.
Perhaps, It seems like you've met one of the Testicular cancer characteristics. Having a pea sized lump doesn't always mean you have testicular cancer, but be on the safe side and go see a doctor. See the link below.