

Best Answer

No, there are no negative physical effects, however some women just do not like it, feel it is disgusting, or just do not like the taste. Still, you have to be careful of transmittable diseases.

No, there are no negative physical effects, however some women just do not like it, feel it is disgusting, or just do not like the taste. Still, you have to be careful of transmittable diseases.

No, there are no negative physical effects, however some women just do not like it, feel it is disgusting, or just do not like the taste. Still, you have to be careful of transmittable diseases.

No, there are no negative physical effects, however some women just do not like it, feel it is disgusting, or just do not like the taste. Still, you have to be careful of transmittable diseases.

No, there are no negative physical effects, however some women just do not like it, feel it is disgusting, or just do not like the taste. Still, you have to be careful of transmittable diseases.

No, there are no negative physical effects, however some women just do not like it, feel it is disgusting, or just do not like the taste. Still, you have to be careful of transmittable diseases.

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15y ago

No, there are no negative physical effects, however some women just do not like it, feel it is disgusting, or just do not like the taste. Still, you have to be careful of transmittable diseases.

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Can sperm cause an infertile woman to have pregnancy symptoms?

No. If a woman is infertile, sperm will have no effect on her. Infertile means she cannot get pregnant.

What is side effect when a woman swallow sperm several times?

She would be extremely happy!!

When Sperm is not come out in a women?

If sperm does not come out of a woman after intercourse, it may be due to a variety of reasons including the angle of penetration, gravity, and natural bodily fluids. Sperm can travel through the cervix into the uterus and fallopian tubes even if it does not immediately come out. If there are concerns about fertility, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider.

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Whiskey Drinking Woman was created in 1990.

Can a woman be pregnant without the contact of sperm?

sperm fertilzes the egg, without sperm no baby... so there is NO way a woman can get pregnant without contact of sperm

You are an o negative man what is the likelihood thst you can father a child?

Being Rh negative has NOTHING to do with fathering a child. Other factors such as sperm count or fecundity of the woman would one of the determining factors.

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why is the tail of sperm detach when is meet the egg of woman?

What goal does a sperm have?

Sperm fertilizes the woman's egg cell.

Does drinking semen make you a good woman?

some woman does it, thats why they become too fat after marriage, it can also solve the problem o infertility,if a woman drinks it then it is accepted by the body and doing sex ,the sperm is accepted in the body and pregnancy occurs.this is a medical truth.

Can a women get pregnant if they drink sperm?

No, it does not happen that way. In order to get pregnant, the man's sperm needs to travel inside the woman's vagina and up through her cervical canal. Meanwhile, her egg comes from her ovaries and descends down her fallopian tubes. If the sperm is able to unite with the egg, fertilization will occur and pregnancy will result. Drinking sperm does not put it anywhere near the woman's cervical canal nor anywhere near her ovaries, so fertilization cannot occur.

Can sperm live 9 days in a woman?

No average life span of sperm is 4 days, sperm can live in a woman's body 6 days after intercourse

Can sperm act as a contraceptive if swallowed by a woman?

read pill for sperm.