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She would be extremely happy!!

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Q: What is side effect when a woman swallow sperm several times?
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Does giving away sperm everyday affect a male's sexual life?

If you ejaculate several times a day, the volume of semen in each ejaculation will decrease somewhat. Other than that, there is no adverse effect.

How can you recover your health because you have lost several times your sperm?

Absolutely not, health will never be recovered after sperm loss. You will die soon.

How is it possable to get pregnant if your boyfriend came in you several times?

Males sperm is what fertilizes your egg.

What if you swallow the sperm 3 times a day it may have side effect?

If you are a human swallowing human sperm then the only side effect would be the possibility of contracting an STD if you're not in a monogamous relationship and possibly an upset stomach depending on how sensitive you are. If you are a person swallowing animal sperm then you have to deal with your conscience of abusing an animal and also the possibility of going to jail if beastiallity is illegal in your state. If you're talking about an animal swallowing human sperm it can be very harmful because animals stomachs are much more sensitive than humans and also the jail because of beastiallity thing.

What is the side effect of losing sperm 3 times daily?

None.. Your testicles produce sperms constantly.

Is it true that if you swallow several times you get cancer?

Depends on what. If you mean something of a sexual nature-no, it's not true. If something else, state.

What happens if someone ejecting his sperm by his hand everyday?

Nothing. You can safely masturbate several times a day if you feel like it.

What is the best fruit to increase sperm?

Probably not. The thickness of your semen is due to the amount of sperm that it contains. If you don't ejaculate for a while your semen will be full of sperm and pretty thick. If you ejaculate several times in quick succession you don't give your body a chance to replace the sperm that it has just lost so your semen gets thinner and thinner (because it is more liquid and has less sperm).

Are sperms healthy to drink?

I drank alot of sperm when i was a teen. i am 52 now and i never get sick. I drank sperm 2 to 8 times a day. from age 9 to 21. i would give my friends blow jobs and swallow. even did gang sucks. some of them cummed alot.

If you swallow sperm is it dangerous to your health?

One view no i swallow my bf's sperm all the time. i know the question asked for * your own sperm swallowing* i cant imagine it being any different i porobally take on average 200mils of sperm every time we have sex bout 2-3 times a week and im fine 22 year old girl.... do u lean up against something so that when u ejaculate it just drops in ur mouth or u cup it in ur hands and then swallow??? im interested.. =p hope thsi helpedAnother viewSwallowing semen (fluid that contains sperms) is not harmful to body.As a matter of taste, if someone abhors it, that person may feel nauseated.

How do snakes swallow eggs?

Snakes have the capability to unhinge their jaws.This allows them to swallow food that is many times larger tha their heads.Such as eggs.

What does the average person do 110 times day?

The average person will swallow about 110 times per day..