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Q: Does dehydration cause fever
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Can dehydration cause fevers to rise?

A low grade fever? Possibly; If you were dehydrated enough to the point of the body not be able to use sweat to cool down.A high fever? Probably not.

Is it possible that a night of drinking could cause such severe dehydration as to manifest a fever the following day?

I have never heard of dehydration manifesting itself as a fever.

What illness when vomitting or fever is present can cause dehydration?


How does shigellosis cause dehydration?

Dehydration results from the large fluid losses due to diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. Inability to eat or drink worsens the situation.

Can you get dehydration from food poising?

Food poisoning creates numerous problems. Two of the most common are diarrhea and vomiting. These certainly cause dehydration. And fever causing sweating which increases the dehydration.

Is fever a pregnancy symptom?

No, fever is a symptom of infection or dehydration.

What is it when a 15 year old male has high fever and vomiting?

Many problems can cause these symptoms. I recommend a prompt visit to the hospital to control the fever and prevent dehydration.

Why do you get dehydration?

Mild dehydration is common and usually caused by not drinking enough fluids throughout the day. In children, diarrhoea is a common cause. There are many causes of dehydration, the most common are diarrhoea, vomiting, sweating, excessive urination and fever or burns.

How do you control high pulse rate?

In most cases, there is a treatable cause, such as fever, infection, dehydration, hyperthyroidism, etc. Usually, the treatment for a high heart rate is to treat the cause, if it can be identified.

Can dehydration cause you to have contractions?

Yes. Dehydration can cause preterm labor

Does dehydration cause hair loss?

Yes, dehydration can cause hair loss

Will urination be affected by dengue fever?

No, not usually. The cardiovascular system is affected. However, it does cause dehydration and you may not produce much urine. Your body is trying to conserve water.