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Yes. Dehydration can cause preterm labor

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Q: Can dehydration cause you to have contractions?
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What is an effect of the deficiency of water?

Drought can lead to a deficiency in clean water, which can heighten the contractions of different diseases lead by hygiene. Economical problems can arise, since water will be in expense. Wildfires are also at a heightened risk of occurring. As for dehydration, water is essential to the body. Dehydration can cause fatigue and hallucinations. Severe dehydration can lead to a coma.

Does dehydration cause hair loss?

Yes, dehydration can cause hair loss

Does dehydration cause hemoconcentration?

yes it causes dehydration

What causes Braxton Hick's Contractions?

There are multiple causes for Braxton Hick's Contractions. Typically, these contractions are caused by an extremely active baby or even dehydration. Make sure to contact one's doctor for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Does Ecstasy cause dehydration?

Dehydration is a common occurrence with the drug

Can dehydration cause a sore back?

Dehydration can cause a sore anything! But it may only be part of the problem.

Why does lemonade cause dehydration?

Lemonade is mostly water it doesn't typically cause dehydration. However if your only consuming lemonade and no food the laxative properities of the lemon's acid could cause dehydration.

Does dehydration cause headaches in children?

Yes, dehydration can cause, trigger or exacerbate certain headache types in children and adults.

Can stress cause pregnancy contractions?


Can constipation cause contractions?

Yes, it is possible for constipation to cause contractions. Many pregnant women experience more Braxton Hicks contractions, which are uncomfortable but safe, when they are either constipated or suffering from large amounts of gas.

Could you die from dehydration?

Yes. Dehydration will cause dizziness and disorientation. Eventually your organs will shut down and you will die. After drowning, dehydration is the primary cause of death of people that are lost a sea. People that are trapped often die of dehydration.

Can fever cause uterine contractions?

Yes, the fever could cause some contractions but it is very unlikely that it will cause you to go into labor. You should call your physician if you have a fever and are pregnant.?æ