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Its not true , it should decompose slower but be out of your system in about 3 days , but dont keep swallowing it or a whole pack at once

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Q: Does bubblegum really stay in your stomach for 7 years if you swallow it?
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How old is the game bubblegum?

The game bubblegum is 77 years old.

What can happen after you swallow a lot of gum?

Nothing really but when you swallow it,it only takes a few days not 10 years like people think.

What happens if bubblegum gets stuck in the throat?

Unless its a massive hunk of it, it wont get stuck, i swallow mine on accident sometimes and it has never once got stuck. Also the whole 10 years in your system is rubbish as well.

How old is aleesia the girl who sings bubblegum?

1,718,034,556 years old :)

What was the bubblegum crisis in reality?

The Bubblegum Crisis in reality was a Japanese cyberpunk OVA series. The series begins in the year 2032, seven years after the earthquake after the earthquake split Tokyo in two sections.

Is it true when you swallow chewing gum it stick to your stumach?

That is a story/ fairytale that parents tell their kids all the time. Although it is hard to digest it, it doesn't stick to your stomach!! It stays in your stomach for about 5 years and then goes!! I hope that's of any help!! Don't worry about it though!!

When you swallow gum how long does it stay?

Seven Years

How old is Wave the Swallow?

18 years old.

Is it true if you swallow gum it stays for 8 years?

No, it is a myth that gum stays in your system for 8 years if swallowed. Gum typically passes through your digestive system in the same way as other foods, usually within a few days. However, it is still not recommended to swallow gum regularly as it can cause digestive issues if consumed in large quantities.

What is the life span of a swallow the bird?

In the wild ~4-6 years, in captivity ~12 years

Are a woman's sexual secretions okay to swallow?

The secretions should be safe to swallow if the woman is free of diseases. It is really made of much of the same things that semen is made out of in the body. People have been having oral sex with men and women for years and are not getting sick nor dropping dead from it.

Stomach ache for 3 days or pregnancy?

I'd rather have the stomach ache. Kids last for years and years.