Er... yes of course his girlfriend is.... dawn!!! The proof is in the episode 'Ash and Dawn / Santoshi and Hikari head for a new adventure! (BANNED IN AMERICA AND UK).
no misty will be!
He has no girlfriend, at least not officially. It could be May, Misty, or Dawn.
A lot of people mistake it for Misty as Ash's girlfriend, but that's not true. His true love is none other than Serena.
No,I Love Someone Else
Well, honestly.... No one really knows. He does like her, he might've gotten over her by now.
ash ketchum does not have a girlfriend but the one he loves is serena. and ash and serena do love eachother. now you will be asking "how is that possible" but I have my answer and it is that misty is not good for ash because she keeps fighting with ash and does not even like him and dawn does not like ash even does not belive on him and may she does not like ash too and she always keeps scolding ash even when ash does a tiny mistake and iris she likes cilian more and its pretty sure she likes cilian and not ash. and now lets take a look at serena she is perfect for ash because she loves him and could do anything for him. ash too loves her and cares for her and they never fight. so it pretty sure that ash and serena are the best ship
serena. yes because ash and serena love each other and now you will be asking "how is that possible?" but I have my answer well misty always keeps fighting with ash and does not even like him she acts with with ash terribly and may she is more interested in fashion and make up and such things and dawn she does not like ash and ash does not like her too. and iris she will macth up with cilian more I think she likes cilian and not ash. well now let us take a look at serena she is perfect for ash because ash and serena love eachother and they never fight. please comment. THANK YOU.
Ash's girlfriend is possessed in the original evil dead movie. In the sequel, which is basically a retelling, he loses his right hand. He cuts it off when it becomes infected by the curse, and it then comes to life. In the end of the movie ash and his pontiac are sucked through a vortex into the past. This sets up the final movie "army of darkness"
May is a ten year old trainer she is a coordinater which means she enters contests. She is in a Pokemon game called "Pokemon Saphire". Not only that, but she is Ash's girlfriend.
Hmm... Your question presents much needed insight and thought. However, when you say "how," it makes me think "You can't be serious." There has never been any confirmed information that Ash has EVER had a REAL girlfriend. 'Nuff said.
Nooo, she was just one of his friends. :P At least I'm pretty sure, you can search it up on Google if you'd like to make sure even more.
no ash and dawn do not planing to get married ash and may planing to get married not ash and dawn or ash and misty