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Yes he does, but only slightly.

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Q: Does Russell Howard have a lazy eye?
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Which of Russell Howards' eyes is lazy?

Russell Howard's right eye is lazy.

Why does Russell howard blink a lot?

because he has a lazy eye which means he needs glasses and his eyes go in different directions without him knowing

What do girls say about Russell Howard?

Many girls, in England and Britan mostly say Russell Howard is good looking and his imperctions, e.g. his lazy eye, which infact he uses in his comedy. Other people say "he has dodgy teeth and a serious twitch problem with his eye". Which many other girls disagree with!!

Why was Russell Howard bullied at school?

Russell Howard got bullied at school because of his lazy eye. If you watch his DVD 'Live dingledodies' then you'll see that he made fun of his lazy eye, by saying that he used to cry a lot and looked like a Picasso in the rain... Just goes to show that you can always do better things with your life than the people who bullied you! He's one of the most sought after comedians now.

Does Russell Howard have Adhd?

yeh in one of his stand up comedies he talks about his ex house mate having ocd nd he had add and he also has a lazy eye

What strategies were used during the battle of Nashville?

the played a very poppular 4-3-3 they were very counter attacking and weregood around the back. by the way, russell howard has a lazy eye.

What is Russell Howard's star sign?

Russell Howard's star sign is Aries :)

When did Howard Hyde Russell die?

Howard Hyde Russell died in 1946.

What is Russell Howard's birthday?

Russell Howard was born on March 23, 1980.

When was Russell Howard born?

Russell Howard was born on March 23, 1980.

When did William Howard Russell die?

William Howard Russell died in 1907.

When was William Howard Russell born?

William Howard Russell was born in 1820.