because he has a lazy eye which means he needs glasses and his eyes go in different directions without him knowing
Russell Howard is a comedian.
The song used for Russell Howard's Good News is 'Fast Fuse' by Kasabian.
Russell Howard's date of birth is 23rd March 1980. This makes him currently 30 years old.
Russell Howard is 37 years old (birthdate: March 23, 1980).
Russell Howard is not Single. He has a girlfreind called Cerys Morgan who had graduated from Warwick Univertsy to become a doctor as said in many interveiws. She also helps backstage at his hit T.V show "Russell Howard good news" when free. He lives in Lemmington Spa in Warwikshire, and they met at a disco when he was 22 and she was 17. So sorry girls...... and me..... as Russell Howard is not single.
Russell Howard's star sign is Aries :)
Howard Hyde Russell died in 1946.
Russell Howard was born on March 23, 1980.
Russell Howard was born on March 23, 1980.
William Howard Russell died in 1907.
William Howard Russell was born in 1820.
Howard Hyde Russell was born in 1855.
Russell Howard's good news?
Russell Howard is a comedian.
Howard Russell Butler died on 1934-05-22.
Howard Russell Butler was born on 1856-03-03.
He has already started his third series.