No you can't really feel anything if someone is thinking about you, unless you know there thinking of you and you yourself have a feeling about them or about them thinking of you. So really I myself would say no, sorry
thinking about someone or something based on logic & reality rather than our personal feelings & preferences
If you thinking about breaking up with someone, ask yourself why you are thinking that. Some reasons you might be thinking about breaking up with someone are; you have feelings for someone else, you don't trust them, you caught them with someone else, you are not getting what you need from them. There are more, too. Be honest with your self first, and then with them.
You can share feelings with someone but not give off feelings to someone.
Dreams are about the dreamer's own thoughts and feelings. Dreaming of someone does NOT mean that person was thinking of the dreamer before going to sleep, and it does NOT provide any information about the person's thoughts or feelings. Dreaming about someone does NOT indicate love or determine one's soul mate or future spouse. Superstitions of this sort are entertaining, but carry no truth. ... More information than "a dream of someone" is needed for a meaningful interpretation.
If you continually think about someone, there is a possibility that they may also think of you. However, thoughts and feelings are subjective and can vary from person to person. It is not guaranteed that someone will always be thinking of you just because you are thinking of them.
Of course!! You may have feelings for someone who does not have them for you. Those are usually the kinds of people that you dont want to be around any wyas Of course!! You may have feelings for someone who does not have them for you. Those are usually the kinds of people that you dont want to be around any wyas
It doesn't mean anything. It just means they dreamed about you. It could also be that the person loves you and therefore cannot stop thinking about you, incorporating you into their dreams. That the person in questions infact, has thought about you in their sleep.
You are either straight, gay or bisexual. If you are thinking you are straight then have sexual feelings for someone of the same sex it is possible you may be bisexual.
The relationship between side effects and system thinking is very simple. Side effects are very general consequences and system thinking is a process.
love feelings friend feelings
Not necessarily. Usually when you dream about someone, it means you have been thinking about them allot, but not necessarily that you like him. You could have been thinking about him for other reasons, but it is possible that you do like him. but usually, you know if you like someone.
i dont know you really hurt my feelings on that one but i always give second chanes so what the heck