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Normaly you dond bleed at al as a result of sex unless you are a virgin and then some bleeding may occur during sex the first time as a result of the hymen being broken..

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Q: Do you bleed after sex or during?
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Do guys think its sexy when you bleed during sex?

yes! is very sexy and nice..good job for bleed during sex!

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too much rough sex will recut any thing

Dose your hymen bled?

The hymen can bleed if it is torn, but how much depends on the individual and how badly it is torn - sometimes it will not tear at all. Often people bleed during sex and they falsely believe the hymen is to blame, but more often than not heavy bleeding during sex is a result of vaginal tearing.

Is it normal to bleed after sex and am not a virgin and pluse am on the pill?

Well if you've had sex, you're not a virgin. If you bleed after sex, he's probably doing it too hard.

Why would you bleed after sex if you have had a hysterectomy?


What could cause your to bleed for 2 weeks after your period and pain and more bleeding during sex?

This is not normal and you need to see a doctor.

Is it normal to bleed when you pee after sex for a couple days?

it is totally normal for you to bleed after peeing after sex, you obviouslly do it too much or he has just hit a certain spot and it makes you bleed, totally normal.

If you are not a virgin or on your period or infected with any STDs why did you bleed during sex?

You should consider doing a Pap test. It can be a sign of Cervical Cancer.

After you get the depo are you suppose to bleed and how long do you bleed?

It depends on you. I was on the shot for 2 years and never had a period. My sister was on it for almost a year and had hers almost all the time. If she wasn't heavy, she was spotting. If she wasn't at all and had sex, she would bleed during sex. Oh deffinately watch what you eat. They aren't kidding when they say you can gain as much as 10 pounds a YEAR!!!!!!!!!

Does it means that because a virgin's virgina stretched but did not tear that's why she did not bleed at first sex?

It's very common for women not to bleed at first sex, don't fret about it.

Can you get pregnant if you missed more then one pills during your pack of pills and then having intercourse and then bleed after sex?

That pretty much means you had sex unprotected so yes. Missing one pill is all it takes.

I lost my virginity 4 days ago and bled a lot and spotted. After the spotting stopped I decided to have sex again but started bleeding again. How long do I have to wait to have sex and not bleed a lot?

When I decided to have sex again I started bleeding during forplay we didn't even get to having sex.