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all women like it deep and ruff sometimes so men get up on your sex game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Do women like fast sex or deep sex?
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Some women like to perform oral sex. Some women think it is nasty.

How fast is a old lady?

It really depends on which fast you mean. There is the fast as in speed and then there is the fast as in a woman who will put out very quickly. Old women are usually slow in terms of speed when doing thing like walking, but some old women have quite the libido so they are very much interested in having casual sex.

Is less sex or no sex good for women?

Like with men, it depends on the women. It also depends on the age. Most women love and want sex as much as men do.

Do women like you to put their penis on them after sex?

Not in my experience.

What does sex feel like if you are straight?

Depends on your sex. It feels diffrent for men and women.

Do Jewish women like sex?

The ethnicity doesn't matter. Ask the women herself.

Do bisexual women like sex with men or women better?

Bisexual women like both, as deciding if they like women or men better is up to them. Some women dont really have a prefference.

What has the author Julius Fast written?

Julius Fast has written: 'Body language in the workplace' 'Sexual chemistry' -- subject(s): Sex 'The incompatibility of men and women and how to overcome it' -- subject(s): Interpersonal relations, Sex role

Why women don't like sex?

You're doing it wrong.

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a way to find this out is if you get to have sex with her in it then she does

Do women like meth for sex?

If she is Messed up and stupid