Well, on a guy, its unnatractive.. And on a woman its attractive to an extent.
sometimes it depends who you are
Given their popularity, I would say that women may find them attractive, or at least not unattractive on another person.
Pretty Women or Bella's both at the mall
Yes he likes skinny women
Kinda chubby and pretty because i am
yes, its not all about looks
No, she was somewhat funny when she was skinny, not to say that skinny women are ugly, no always so, i see pretty skinny women daily
It depends
That all depends what attention they seek from. Some women seek more attention from cute girls than unattractive guys but it can be vice-versa. That depends. Mac
You can find checkered skinny at Hot Topic.
Because they're unattractive and men are very visual. Fat women are different. Most of them tend to have an attitude.