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Medical studies have shown that men with both circumcised and uncircumcised penises have satisfactory pleasure during sexual intercourse; however uncircumcised penises tend to be more sensitive to sexual stimulation. This is because the foreskin works in a number of ways to maximize sexual pleasure: * The foreskin functions to protect the sensitive glans (head) of the penis, keeping it moist and protecting it from rubbing against clothing, which can slowly desensitize the glans. * The foreskin itself is also very sensitive and rich with nerve endings, making it very sensitive to stimulation. The inner foreskin and frenulum are the more sensitive parts of the foreskin. *The foreskin works to facilitate a natural sliding motion during sexual intercourse and masturbation. The foreskin slides up and down on the head of the penis, which not only stimulates the foreskin itself, but also provides additional stimulation to the head of the penis. The natural motion of the foreskin also allows masturbation without the use of additional lubrication. While sex is certainly pleasurable for both circumcised and uncircumcised men, the uncircumcised penis is fully equipped to receive the maximal stimulation provided by sexual intercourse, oral sex, and masturbation.

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15y ago
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16y ago

While there are a number of differences between circumcised and uncircumcised penises, medical studies have shown that men with both circumcised and uncircumcised penises have satisfactory pleasure during sexual intercourse. However, the foreskin works in a number of ways to maximize the sensitivity of the penis and to maximize pleasure during sexual intercourse, oral sex, and masturbation. * The foreskin functions to protect the sensitive glans (head) of the penis, keeping it moist and protecting it from rubbing against clothing, which can slowly desensitize the glans. * The foreskin itself is also very sensitive and rich with nerve endings, making it very sensitive to stimulation. The inner foreskin and frenulum are the more sensitive parts of the foreskin. *The foreskin works to facilitate a natural sliding motion during sexual intercourse and masturbation. The foreskin slides up and down on the head of the penis, which not only stimulates the foreskin itself, but also provides additional stimulation to the head of the penis. The natural motion of the foreskin also allows masturbation without the use of additional lubrication. While sex is certainly pleasurable for both circumcised and uncircumcised men, the uncircumcised penis is fully equipped to receive the maximal stimulation provided by sexual intercourse, oral sex, and masturbation.

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17y ago

The head of the penis in uncircumcised men generaly has more feeling than a circumcised man's because it remains in it's sheath and is not constantly exposed. As for sex being more enjoyable, all things even out. When erect, it is unlikely that you could tell the difference.

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12y ago

It's probably fair to say that most sexual gratification takes place in the head, so physical details are not that important.

There are a lot of nerve endings in the foreskin, plus the gland(the head) is a lot more sensitive if you are uncircumcised.

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12y ago

Given that more then 80%of the world's men are intact, it follows that more then 80% of the world' women are in no position to answer such a question. But it should be noted that the foreskin able to mve back and forth while the penis is erect on so there will be a difference in the sebsation between and intact and cut penis at that point.

Yes, because men with foreskins don't really move inside the vagina but men without foreskins are actually move in and out faster than men with foreskins

Actually no they don't it really is the same thing. But if you use condoms then uncircumcised men's foreskin goes back and doesn't go back up till you take off the condom.

Male Circumcision Affects Female Sexual EnjoymentA survey of women who have had sexual experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction, abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men. Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes. O'Hara, K. and O'Hara, J., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on the Sexual Enjoyment of the Female Partner," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 79-84Foreskin Reduces the Force Required for Penetration and Increases ComfortMasters and Johnson observed that the foreskin unrolled with intercourse. However, they overlooked a prior observation that intromission (i.e., penetration) was thereby made easier. To evaluate this observation an artificial introitus was mounted on scales. Repeated measurements showed a 10-fold reduction of force on entry with an initially unretracted foreskin as compared to entry with a retracted foreskin. For the foreskin to reduce the force required it must cover most of the glans when the penis is erect. Taves, D., "The Intromission Function of the Foreskin," Med Hypotheses 59 (2002): 180.Survey Finds Circumcision Contributes to Vaginal DrynessThe impact of male circumcision on vaginal dryness during coitus was investigated. We conducted a survey of 35 female sexual partners aged 18 to 69 years who had experienced sexual intercourse with both circumcised and genitally intact men. Women reported they were significantly more likely to have experienced vaginal dryness during intercourse with circumcised than with genitally intact men. Bensley, G. and Boyle, G., "Effects of Male Circumcision on Female Arousal and Orgasm," N Z Med J 116 (2003): 595-596.
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12y ago

Women preffer intact genitalia on men.

Male Circumcision Affects Female Sexual EnjoymentA survey of women who have had sexual experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction, abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men. Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes. O'Hara, K. and O'Hara, J., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on the Sexual Enjoyment of the Female Partner," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 79-84Foreskin Reduces the Force Required for Penetration and Increases ComfortMasters and Johnson observed that the foreskin unrolled with intercourse. However, they overlooked a prior observation that intromission (i.e., penetration) was thereby made easier. To evaluate this observation an artificial introitus was mounted on scales. Repeated measurements showed a 10-fold reduction of force on entry with an initially unretracted foreskin as compared to entry with a retracted foreskin. For the foreskin to reduce the force required it must cover most of the glans when the penis is erect. Taves, D., "The Intromission Function of the Foreskin," Med Hypotheses 59 (2002): 180.Survey Finds Circumcision Contributes to Vaginal DrynessThe impact of male circumcision on vaginal dryness during coitus was investigated. We conducted a survey of 35 female sexual partners aged 18 to 69 years who had experienced sexual intercourse with both circumcised and genitally intact men. Women reported they were significantly more likely to have experienced vaginal dryness during intercourse with circumcised than with genitally intact men. Bensley, G. and Boyle, G., "Effects of Male Circumcision on Female Arousal and Orgasm," N Z Med J 116 (2003): 595-596.
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13y ago

According to some tests and surveys that were done checking into this it has been found that intact males have better control over orgasm. this seems to have something to do with the more then 20.000 nerves they have in the foreskin.

circumcised men tend to have more trouble with premature ejaculation.

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Q: Do uncircumcised men enjoy sex more?
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Why can't sex be better when the man has a circumcised penis?

Most people find sex isn't better with a circumcised penis. Uncircumcised penises tend to be more sensitive, since the head is protected by the foreskin. Circumcised men tend to have sex more forcefully, pounding faster and harder to achieve the level of stimulation necessary to feel sexual pleasure and reach orgasm. Since uncircumcised men are more sensitive they tend to not thrust as hard or as fast. Some women may enjoy this more, while others enjoy the more vigorous pounding common among circumcised men. It's simply a question of personal preference.

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Yes more then 80% of men are intact and among the minority of women who have had sex with bot most feel that intact is better.

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Well, honey, an uncircumcised penis can pretty much handle any sex position a circumcised one can. Just make sure to communicate with your partner and find what works best for both of you. Remember, it's all about having fun and enjoying yourselves, so experiment and see what feels good!

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