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No. Radar won't work like that. That's the good news. But now for the bad news. Using infrared (IR) equipment, the plants can be seen in broad daylight through "standard" IR viewfinders if the observer knows what to look for - and law enforcement types are good at this. They can cover large areas of territory in a short time from an appropriate air platform to make their surveys. There is more high tech stuff, too. There is heat sensing equipment which can detect the unusual amount of energy it takes to operate an indoor growing operation. Suspect houses can be seen fairly easily with he right kind of optics and using the right kind of sensors, like IR. An aerial spotter can target possible locations and cover large areas in a short time. A "hit" can easily result in a short investigation and surveillance period where a closer look is taken. You may never know you've been checked out and cleared.

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Q: Do police have radar to find marijuana plants?
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um radar guns emit radiation ........they use the radar guns to find the speed of a speeding car.

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You would probably get charged if you paid for it and the police find it.

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No. No. RADAR doesn't work that way. Right now, dogs are the hi-tech solution of choice for detecting the presence of contraband drugs in vehicles.

Is it legal to buy marijuana seeds in Texas off the internet?

Both yes and no. Police like to make their own laws. Technically a marijuana seed is not marijuana, however police can charge a person with intent to distribute marijuana for having nothing but seeds. Consult Barry cooper, former drug officer of Texas and current marijuana rights expert. Go to or find him on social media.

Can law enforcement detect marijuana plants from the air?

The short answer is yes. They do look for Marijuana plants from the sky. I live close to DC, and my neighbors had cops find THEIR plants. But they saw the copter and pulled them up before. Also, some plants, like hibiscus, look a LOT like weed from the air.-A.B.

What is a good free app that alerts you that police are in the area when you're driving?

There are no free apps that alert you that police are in the area when you're driving because phones do not come equipped with radar detectors. You may be able to find a police radio scanner, but it will not allow you to know they're in the area.

Where can you find O'Reilly radar reports online?

Research reports published by O'Reilly Radar can be found on the O'Reilly Radar website,

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Where to find radar detector reviews? has comprehensive reviews of radar detectors. They are fair and unbiased.

Im looking for a radar detector that detects the presence of a radar when it is being used?

That would be any radar detector. If you want to detect a radar that is not being used, you need to find a psychic.

What is the best marijuana plant?

Sativa plants produce the best bud. Indica plants grow tall. Try to find a hybrid. White Widow, Northern lights, and OG kush are what I've heard to be the strongest