No. Men may claim they like independent women, but this is simply not true.
they are equal, because women are independent farmers and business owners, just like the men.
yes! because men like women for there looks. and women like men for there acts.
Women like men who are independent and strong willed. One who can make her feel like shes special. In short that one man who can complete her.
Romanian women like all men with money.
For men , Yes they like men For women , They would like women
why do women have deep voices like men
Mexican women like black men the most
Women were not allowed to work in early days just because people felt that men should do all of the work outside of the home. Women took care of their families.
Normal men and women !!Haha
everyone has different things they are attracted to and some men like women to look like men.
Some women like such men. Also some women like hairy men. So it depends.
Men have individual tastes in women just like women have when it comes to men, so yes absolutely are there men loving fat women..