The fumes that come from dry erase markers are not harmful. The markers do smell very bad but they will not hurt you in no way.
Scented markers are basically markers the smell. They could smell like strawberry or banana. Hope this helps
yes you can cause when you smell it the toxic will go in your body and you could die
paint pens?
I believe that marker are called magic markers because when you smell them for awhile you start to fly and that is pretty magical if you ask me!!!
Sharpie markers contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as alcohols and ketones that give them their characteristic smell. These compounds evaporate into the air, creating the strong odor that is often associated with Sharpie markers.
I think Mostly Girls Like To make markers like having Clean Hand Smell always.
No Albania does not smell bad !!
Well i cant tell you exactly why they smell so good. This is what i think, i think there is some chemical or somthin..i used to smell expo markers and sharpies like crazy but the i found out it kills your brain cells so i only smell it once a while...ok thats all i got
No it doeS not have a bad smell
You smell bad because of you sweting.
There is a bad smell when everyone urinates :-(