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Q: Do ladies like to deep throat and swallow?
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Feeling like have mucus in your throat that need to swallow?

you smell

What sickness makes you feel like your throat is scratched and when you talk or swallow it feels like a ball is in your throat?

swelling of toncil

When you swallow and it feels like your throat is swollen what is probably wrong?

When that happens to me, I am over-tired.

Why do you have to swallow and water wont just go down your throat?

Because it is not like air where you can just breath and it goes down your throat.

How did joey swallow his key?

he pit in his mouth and relaxed his throat kinda like your mom

What does salt water taste like?

gross. Its really salty and nasty and if you swallow it then it burns your throat.

Sore thraot and it hurts to swallow What is wrong with you?

Some form of bacteria like strep has clung to your throat

Do penguins have barbs?

Yes! On their tongue and throat they have them to help swallow slippery fish. These are pointed backwards to help swallow. Since penguins don't have teeth, this is like a replacement for them.

Is it ok to eat bananas for all three meals?

If you like to deep throat

Can fluoride burn throat if swallow?

Only if its strong, if its dilute like in water or toothpaste it won't unless you have an allergic reaction

How do animals eat foods?

It depends what type of animal if it is a bird they mostly have gizzards in their throat. the gizzards have stones in them. If it is a animal such as a dog they chew and swallow with the muscels in their throat just like us humans do.

When you removed your tonsils what are effect?

Its like a lite sore throat and you get to eat ice cream. your voice changes. you can swallow better and breath better.