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It depends, there are some guys who like it when girls ask them out but there are also guys who prefer to do the asking and hate aggressive girls. So you really can't tell, try to get to know the guy first and see what kind of a guy he is.

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8y ago
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13y ago

No, most guys find it flattering when the girl makes the first move. Yes, I know.. it is hard for a girl to do so. But a simple 'hey, how are you?' every morning can get them to know that you like them and enjoy their company and actually want to talk to them.

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17y ago

Yes some men find it attractive as it demonstrates the women has confidence and is will to take risks

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14y ago

Absolutely! More than likely he'll be kind of surprised but if he likes you at all he'll be thrilled to death.

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Yes it is perfectly normal to ask guys out...some people think that the guys should ask the girls all the time...but that is not the case. You can ask any one you want.

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Well guys get nervous, and they dont like that. They like to be macho and manly. Guys also might think that their friends might not like their choice in girls. Sincerely, A Girl

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Guys automatically assume really beautiful girls are already going out with someone else.

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why do you disagree with girls should'nt ask guys out?

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generally the boys ask out the girls, but occasionally the girls ask the guys out, but it's not as common.

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It depends on who the guy is! Maybe you should ask him.

Do girls ask guys out?

Yes they do.

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Some girls are just too desperate to wait for the guy to start the relationship, so they take charge and ask them out themselves.

Why do guys ask girls to marry them insteads of woman?

That's just always been the tradition, but girls do somtimes ask guys to Mary them.