Well guys get nervous, and they dont like that. They like to be macho and manly. Guys also might think that their friends might not like their choice in girls. Sincerely, A Girl
Errm... Guys like girls. They like looking at them a lot. Not all guys do that though.
If they're nice guys. And girls can like guys even if he's ugly. :)
they are probably doing it to get your attention, unless you do act like little kids and the girls find you really annoying.
Guys usually are vapid (no offense) and girls usually do it for fun. The guys think it is like the Olympics striving for the gold, while the girls kinda just play it even though they usually are horrible (me!) Hence, guys for gold, girls not so much...lol
Depends, do you like the feeling? A lot of guys like girls who do though.
Even though I'm not a guy I think it depends on if he thinks it's cute or annoying.
No it doesn't. That is called bisexual, when you like both males and females.
if you are a girl and you like girls more than guys. go ahead and date girls. sometimes guys even think it is hot
actually it depends upon the taste of the girls,gernally girls seems to be quite interested in texts of the guys they like and also reply them....may not sometime to show their attitude,they mostly ignores the texts of the guys they dont like... or dont want them anymore in their lives
Sure. Why not? They're all different even though they're Indian so you'll find one at least.
Every Woman is different. But alot of them do. But bigger girls generally tend to like the bigger guys. I really don't know. The female brain is so complicated that even they can't figure each other out.