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Not necessarily.

If you see a very old friend (not someone you have a crush on) that you haven't seen in a very long time, you get happy, but you are not necessarily loving this person.

Even if this isn't the case, You could be friends with this person- perhaps close friends, but you might not love them. f your consounse tells you you love them, then perhaps you do.

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Q: Do I have a crush on someone if I feel happy when I see them?
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Do I have a crush on someon if I feel happy when I see them?

Not necessarily. If you see a very old friend (not someone you have a crush on) that you haven't seen in a very long time, you get happy, but you are not necessarily loving this person. Even if this isn't the case, You could be friends with this person- perhaps close friends, but you might not love them. f your consounse tells you you love them, then perhaps you do.

How does a crush start?

You start you feel happy and tingly when you see or think about the person you are "crushing" on. It is very common during the teenage years. You feel attracted to that certain person!

How do you spy on someone if you have a crush on him?

Spying on someone these days is called stalking and it is illegal. I would suggest that you let them know how you feel and see what happens.

How do you know when you fancy someone?

every time you see them you feel happy and your heart sings ♥

You are 12 and have a crush on someone what should you do?

you tell him how you feel about him and see if he feels the same way for you but if he dose not then you guys can just be friends.

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What do you do if you get a crush on a guy while you're dating someone else?

Think about it first make sure that what you really feel about your crush because it might just be that you have an attraction to him, but this would be something you really need to think about. If you leave the one you're dating just to see if you have a chance with your crush it can be a mistake because you never know if your crush has a crush on someone else. Think about it!

How can you get a crush on someone?

A crush develops when you may see someone you like, meet someone but don't know them or know them but is an object of our infatuation.

How do you know if your jealous when you see your crush with her girl friend?

Your get annoyed when you see them together and you will keep looking at them to see what there doing and you will always be looking at the way the person you fancy looks with them happy,sad,embressed,nervous all that stuff and you will feel bad when you see them together.

How do you know when you have a crush on him?

Ask yourself is this someone you want to be around everyday and be in a romantic relationship with. If yes, then you probably have a crush on him and should probably let him know how you feel in order to see if he feels the same way about you. If not, you will be torturing yourself.

How do you know if you still have a crush on someone if you never see them?

you will know if you have a crush on someone. You will think about them all the time and when your around them you'll get strange feelings.

Signs of crush?

I think signs of a teen crush are pretty obvious....If it is a crush...then you would probably be shy and maybe red faced around the person... u care what that person thinks of you, and if you even question if you have a crush on someone, then you probably do. You definatly know when you dont have a crush on someone, so if you question it....u probably do have a crush on that person