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My mum.

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Q: Describe someone in your family who you like?
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What does Describe a alguien de tu familia mean?

'Describe someone in your family.'

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It would be easier for you to do a Google Image Search Family Guy Opie than for someone to attempt to describe his appearance in words.

What is the color of the sheep use to describe a person who doesnt fit into a family?

The expression "black sheep" is used to describe someone who doesn't fit in with his or her family.

What is the color of the sheep used to describe a person who doesnt fit into a family?

The expression "black sheep" is used to describe someone who doesn't fit in with his or her family.

What describe the importance of family in early china?

the importance of family was that they stood together like the extended family they are.

How do you describe your family?

Family can be described as the group of people who all took part in raising someone. These are the people that are some how related to everyone.

What if a girl ask you what kind of girl u like what do you tell her?

if you like her describe her as best you can... if you don't like her describe someone totally opposite

When it is said that someone has 'blue blood' what is meant by it?

Someone who has 'blue blood' is someone who is a member of the royal family. It can also be used to describe someone who is in a very high social status.

How do you descrie a boyfriend?

You Describe someone by how they look and act like.

Is it true that you will most likely marry someone who looks like someone in your family?

no you will not marry someone that looks like your family because it could be you own relative and with out you even knowing .

How can you describe someone you love?

Describe how they make you feel (excited, passionate, turned on,) and why they make you feel like that

What is the color of the sheep used to describ a person who doesnt fit into a family?

The expression "black sheep" is used to describe someone who doesn't fit in with his or her family.