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No, crystal meth (methamphetamine, "speed") is different from crack cocaine, but both are very addictive, deadly illegal drugs.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

no meth is good for you and me and my friend are from polk county and locked up for it soo goooo meth

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Q: Crystal meth the same as crystal crack?
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chris Level 11 is reached when you take them all at the same time.

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No, crystal and lead crystal are not the same. Lead crystal contains lead oxide, which gives it a higher refractive index and greater sparkle compared to regular crystal. Lead crystal is typically used for high-end glassware and decorative items.

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what effect do you need?? a ephedrine substitute?? or something simmilar crystal meth made with ephederine?? or u need a crystal meth substitute?? an ephedrine substitute is pseudoephedrine a substitute for crystal meth would be adderal or 4-mar aka U4Euh

Is meth the same thing as pot?

It is the same drug but a different form. Methamphetamine is usually in powder form, and is snorted, while crystal meth is in crystal form, (duh) and is smoked. However, even though they are the same drug the have slight differences because of the forms. Snorted goes into the blood stream faster than if you smoke it.

Is adaral a methanphetamine?

No. Adderall is an amphetamine; it contains amphetamine & dextroamphetamine. Note that it's not methamphetamine or crystal meth. Amphetamines & methamphetamine are not the same types of drugs.

What is the difference between crystal meth and meth?

Pharmacologically, it's a central nervous system stimulant. Legally, it's a schedule I and is illicit/has no accepted medical value. (regular methamphetamine is a sched II and CAN be prescribed under the grand name Desoxyn).

What is a mineral with the same crystal system as salt?

Halite, which is the mineral name for salt, has a cubic crystal system. Therefore, another mineral with a cubic crystal system would be pyrite.

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crystal does