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No. Adderall is an amphetamine; it contains amphetamine & dextroamphetamine. Note that it's not methamphetamine or crystal meth. Amphetamines & methamphetamine are not the same types of drugs.

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Q: Is adaral a methanphetamine
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Can adaral be taken with methadone?

Ask your prescribing physician.

What is adaral?

Adaral is a methamphetamine that is used for ADD. It slows down the hyper synapses of the neurons in a persons brain and allows them to concentrate on specific things for long periods of time.

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Its crystal methanphetamine.

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Will test positive for Benzodiazepines

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There is always a chance of death when substances are injected regardless of what they are.

Can you take prevacid while taking Adderall?

Yes, it increases the effect of the methanphetamine in the adderall

What is spun?

Spun is the past and past participle of "spin".

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I take a mouth swab drugtest in 10hours how to I get my saliva clean

Can methanphetamine use cause arthritis?

The causes of arthritis re as yet not known However to date there seems to be no association with the use of this drug and arthritis.

Does methadone show up as methanphetamine?

No, Methadone will not show up as methamphetamine. Methadone will only show up as methadone because it requires a specific test.

What are the long term effect of doing heroin and methanphetamine in the same night?

There will be no long term effects so long as you stopped after that night. That is one wicked combo.