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That is within the very common window for implantation bleeding (when a fertilized egg burrows into the lining of your uterus) and could mean that you have possibly conceived this cycle. It could also be caused by hormonal Birth Control, especially if you're body is still adjusting to it.

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Around that time usually 14 days into the cycle you are ovulating. It could be the egg being released into the fulopien tubes. Best thing to do is take that up with you doctor.

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Q: Cramping 11 days into cycle
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This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

Why are you cramping after period?

This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

Can implantation cramping stop after a few days?

Yes, implantation cramping can vary in duration for different individuals. It is possible for the cramping to stop after a few days as your body adjusts to the implantation process. If the cramping becomes severe or is accompanied by heavy bleeding, it is advisable to seek medical advice.

Is cramping and bleeding 3 days after IUD fell out normal?

Yes, your body is noticing that the hormonal effects of the IUD aren't in tact anymore so it thinks its going to start its normal period cycle. Just like some IUD's cause cramping and spotting when you first get them in, they can do the same coming out.

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It's not normal to have cramping six days after a pap smear, and you should contact your health care provider.

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It's not normal to have cramping six days after a pap smear, and you should contact your health care provider.

Can you get implatation bleeding 11 days of your cycle?

No, implantation bleeding comes around the time your period is due.