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no you can not.

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Q: Could you get pregnant if you use a condom but it was during your period but you don't use birth control?
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Can you get pregnant on the last day of your period and also which is pregnancy most likely to happen during your period or with a condom?

Yes you can get pregnant on your last day of your period and if the condom is on right and doesn't break or slide off it's most likely to get pregnant on your period.

Can you get pregnant at the beginning of your period but he uses a condom?

No. You can't get pregnant if your on your period! You could only get pregnant the week after your pregnant!

Can you be pregnant and have a period eventhough you used a condom the correct way?

If you are having a period you can not be pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if the condom slipped a little a week after your period and not birth control Yes he did ejaculate?

Yes, a week after your period puts you at the beginning of your peak fertility, if you ovulate in the next 5 days you could get pregnant. Using a condom with spermicide greatly reduces the risk.

Does a girl gets pregnant if she has an intercourse at the first day of her period with a condom?

yes you can get pregnant if you have sex before or at the begining of your period you can get pregnant at anytime. with a condom you have a better chance of protection against pregnancy and diseases but it doesnt mean you wont get pregnant. theres always a chance you can get pregnant with a condom

Can you get pregnant a week before your period without using a condom and on birth control?

Not if you are on hormonal birth control (The Pill, patch, shot, IUD, ring) and used it as directed.

How can you tell if youre pregnant while on your period I also use my Birth Control patch correctly and a condom everytime. Please help me. Thanks.?

In general if you have your period you are not pregnant. You can take a home pregnancy test if you are unsure.

You have not got a period your condom broke can you be pregnant?

You certainly might be.

Can you get pregnant a day before your period but he wore a condom?

What sense does that make if he wore a condom then he did not nut inside of you unless the condom popped so that's not a smart question for a wanna be pregnant person.

Is sex after menstruation period protects you for not being pregnant?

You can get pregnant at any time suring your cycle if you have unprotected sex. It is less likely to get pregnant DURING your menstrual period, but it is possible. If you are trying not to get pregnant, make sure you use a condom during your whole cycle. If you've had unprotected sex and you're worried you might get pregnant, go to a helth department or Planned Parenthood and ask for the Plan B pills. They are higher does birth control pills that may stop you from getting pregnant.

Can you get pregnant without ever having your period and he uses a condom?

If you have unprotected sex during the first cycle of your period (but before it's reached the bleeding stage) then you can get pregnant w/o ever having had a visible period.But if you used a condom, and used it right the risk of pregnancy is really small.

Does the sperms get out during periods after the use of the morning after pill?

Hi, You cannot become pregnant during your period. This is physically impossible. Always use a condom to prevent pregnancy.