If it was only a day late, you aren't pregnant. But if it was a day late and really light and short, you could be. A late period just happens sometimes. I am normally a very regular person and I was a week late two months in a row and I wasn't pregnant.
According to a study I read, twin pregnancies, presence of ketones in your urine, and dehydration, amongst other things, may produce a false negative result. It is not that uncommon and the 99% effective rate for pg tests only means that in properly pH balanced urine, pregnancy was accurately detected 99% of the time. That does NOT mean that 99% of all pregnancies are detected. So, my advice is to maybe ask for an ultrasound if you really believ you are pregnant.
It's possible that the test was defective or you haven't produced enough of the hormone for the test to read yet. But it's also possible you are having a late period this month. I am normally very regular with my periods and I was a week late the last two months. And I'm not pregnant. Wait a few more days and take another test. If you still aren't sure or haven't started your period, it might be a good idea to go see a doctor.
Yes. I took a test after 1 week and it was negative, then 2 days later I took another test and there was a faint line there. I took a blood test and it was confirmed that I was pg, but very low hcg's. I don't have my 1st doc's appt. until July 1st,wish me luck!! :)
hi there all just wanted to let you all know i am 2 weeks late on my period i took 4 pregnancy test and all negative but today i decided to buy a more expensive one and it came up posative not saying its the same for everyone but it was for me i thought i was going crazy i just knew i was pregnant but they keeped coming up negative but now i know i was right all along good luck all :)
I went to go get a pregnancy test. it was the day that i had got back from being in foster care. but it came out negative. but my period was last week. and i didn't have a period the weeks after i had the pregnancy test done. but my friends had said that if it came out negative then im pregnant. but i said naw. but folks said that i look pregnant, but im not.
If you have had sex, it means you probably are. You can get a pregnancy test to comfirm this. However, if you have not had sex then there are a few explanations. You may be having an irregular period, or you are still young and don't have normal cycles yet. Girls under 16 may not have periods every month.
I have been very late before and I was told that due to extreme stress, or being depressed or even if you try to hard it could cause delay. Unless you are trying to become pregnant, I would HIGHLY recommend getting a Birth Control called Nuva Ring! I never had a problem. Best of Luck!
You could be. If you miss your period you should take a pregnancy test.
It is biologically impossible to menstruate if you were pregnant.
stress can cause your period not to come on so my advice is to see a physician
If you are having a period, you are not pregnant. However many women confuse their periods with vaginal bleeding and vaginal bleeding can be a sign of pregnancy particularly in early pregnancy.
no cause you never had sex
It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.
If you were pregnant you would completely miss your period. see your GP
If you had protected sex, then you probably won't be pregnant. The time you had sex was most likely your fertile time. But the protection will be you best bet against an unwanted pregnancy. Hope this helps!
Yes. The number of days your period lasts has nothing to do if you can get pregnant or not.
It could mean nothing.
if you have a period, you are not pregnant. don't, YOLO, be safe and use a condom.