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Q: Collagen and keratin are examples of which basic type of protein?
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What is the basic structure of hair and nails?

The basic structure of haor and nails is KERATIN.

What are some examples of the 6 basic nutrients?

protein carbs fat vitamins minerals and water

Is the most basic factor in the aging process the change in the molecular structure of the collagen?

Yes, changes in the molecular structure of collagen play a significant role in the aging process. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and support in the skin, and alterations in its structure lead to a decrease in skin elasticity and firmness, contributing to the visible signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin.

What are the nails in the human body made of?

Human nails are made of hard keratinized cells; keratin being a type of protein.

Do gumballs have gelatin?

I have not seen a candy cane recipe with gelatin. Candy canes are made out of sugar or corn syrup, colors and flavors.

What are the types of protein?

Proteins can be classified on many different bases as: on the basis of chemical nature and solubility: It is based on the amino acid composition and is divided into three major classes as SIMPLE PROTEIN: these are made up of amino acids residue only 1 Globular protein: these are spherical and oval in shape, soluble in water and other solvents and digestable a) albumin e.g. egg b) globulin: soluble in neutral dilute salt solution e.g. serum globulin c) proalamines: soluble in 70% alcohol e.g. gliadin and zein maize d) histones: basic protein soluble in water and dilute acids On the basis of functions of protien: 1 Structural protein: e.g. keratin 2 Enzyme and catalytic protein: e.g. pepsin 3 Transport protein: Hb, serum albuin 4 Hormonal protein: e.g. hormones as insulin, adrenalin 5 Contractile protein: e.g. actin and myosin 6 Storage protein: e.g. oval albumin, glutamin 7 Genetic protein: e.g. nucleic acid ( DNA & RNA) 8 Defence protein: e.g. Ig, snake venom 9 Receptor protein: hormones and virusesThere are many types of proteins, including enzymes, immune system proteins, storage proteins, and transport proteins.There are many types of proteins, including enzymes, immune system proteins, storage proteins, and transport proteins.

What are the basic elements in protein?


What are the proteins that are present in your body?

Proteins are the body building biomacromolecule seen in the body. Proteins are biopolymers of the basic twenty aminoacids through peptide bonds. Proteins have different levels of structure - Primary, secondary, tertiary (single peptide protein) and quarternary structure (Subunit proteins). Proteins are either globular or fibrillar in nature. Proteins can be classified based on the conjugation and function as follows: * Receptor protein - Photoreceptor Rhodopsin * Nucleoprotein - Histones * Metalloprotein - Haemoglobin, myoglobin - respiratory pigments * skeletal and muskular proteins - actin, myosin, dystrophin * Membrane protein - seen in lipoprotein membrane, RBCs as antigens * Facilitating proteins - Chaperones or heat shock proteins * Structural proteins - keratin, collagen * Immunoproteins - immunoglobulins * Enzymes and hormones - trypsin, insulin

What is the basic monomer of a protein?

Amino Acids.

What is a basic constituent of protein?

Amino acid

What are the basic steps in making a protein?

the basic steps is to brake down particles and dissolve them