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A clear stool is usually of mucous-like consistency and may be slightly gelatinous. It could be due to an infection, bowel obstruction or irritable bowel syndrome.

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Q: Clear stool - what is it?
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Related questions

What are clear worms in my stool?

Tape worms

What causes Clear mucus in stool?

Some mucus in the stool is normal. Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis can cause more mucus in the stool.

What is a white not clear string in stool?

Most likely it is a tapeworm. Easily treated by your general practitioner.

Why does your pet mouse poop clear?

This is most likely because you have feed the mouse something it cannot digest. The best thing to do is change the food, make sure you are buying food meant for mice. If the color of the stool remains clear after changing the food. You should take your mouse to the vet and bring a sample of the clear stool with you in a bag. Best of Luck!

What causes clear foamy bowel movements with lots of gas?

Bowel movements should not be clear. However, there may be mucous i the stool. This could be clear or white and foamy. If the mucous is the only symptom, it is likely nothing to worry about.

What does goldfish waste look like?

Goldfish stool can be a variety of colors and sizes. Healthy goldfish stool will be full/long and usually a brown color. Unhealthy goldfish stool may be clear, white, or red- which is an immediate sign that your fish is sick. Also, a lack of stool can indicate a health problem such as constipation. To keep your fish's digestive health and stool normal, try feeding the fish peas once or twice a week.

Why is my cat pooping clear mucus only?

It is possible that your cat is experiencing gastrointestinal issues such as inflammation or infection, which can cause the production of clear mucus in their stool. It is important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Your 3 month old golden retriever is blood in solid stool?

Blood in the stool is NEVER normal. Check the stool for foreign objects that the Golden puppy may have eaten and that caused bleeding when the object was passed. This does NOT have to be as gross as it sounds --- just scoop the stool into a clear plastic bag FIRST (like a Ziploc bag) --- then crush the stool gently while it's still in the clear bag and you will find any foreign object the puppy may have eaten. Unfortunately, Golden puppies are well-known for happily gulping down just about anything they can fit down their throats! If the bleeding problem continues, PLEASE bring the puppy to a vet as soon as possible.

How can you use the word stool in a sentence?

I sat on the wooden stool at the kitchen counter while waiting for my breakfast to cook.

What is a pedal stool?

a stool which you eat off

What is the stool like with a ileostomy?

formed stool

How does moviprep work?

Moviprep is a laxative used to cleanse the bowel before a colonoscopy. It works by causing water to be retained in the bowel, resulting in watery stool and bowel movements to help clear out the contents of the colon for a clear view during the procedure.