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Q: Can your spirit go out from your body while you sleep?
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How do you go about inviting a demon spirit to join you in a dreaming session while you sleep?

You should not worry about such things.

What will happen if you go to sleep?

your body goes into sleep mode while your cells starts repairing all the bodys vitamins,protein and minerals that you used for the day

What does it mean if you have a dream that your husband is having an affair?

Dreams is only dream, when we go to bed our body relaxes and sometimes we do have a hard time falling asleep. When we go to sleep at night and our day is been hectic or we got upset about something, once in a while we will dream about the person or a place we were in. That is why the old myth says " don't go to sleep upset." Our soul or spirit travels when our body is relaxing. So what ever you had dreamed try not to make a big deal of it.

What are the principles of chemistry involved in sleeping?

When you are about to go to sleep, your body releases melatonin which slows down your body and prepares you to go to sleep.

Where does the spirit go when the body is burned?

The spirit (Consciousness) of the person goes to a higher plane of existance. the spirit is not in the body when it is burned unless you get burned alive.

Why do you go to sleep hungry and wake up not hungry?

This is because your body stores fuel [all the food you do consume and do not immediately use for energy] is broken down into glucose and stored in your liver as glycogen. When you sleep [or have not eaten in a while] your body will use the glycogen as an energy source. So when you are active [before you go to bed] you body is "asking you" to consume some food so it can function. when you sleep, your body isn't needing the energy as much. So the feeling of hunger will go away for a while, until you start to be active again.

What is the best way to have an out of body experience?

Astral projection or "spirit walking" is your best choice. Commonly practiced by many people throughout the world. Usually, while in a meditative state, your spirit lifts from your physical body and with practice you can control where you go. Many people start this process while sleeping, and eventually learn to control it while awake.

Why do you need to sleep?

I read the last answer and just thought I'd improve--- There are many reasons we need to sleep. The main is if we don't sleep we can become irratible, unfocused and find it difficult to do daily tasks Feel free to improve my answer if you don't think it is correct. :) Sleep is a requirement from your body to function. Your physical body has to rest and your mind has to rest. The body works in overdrive while you are awake and when you go into sleep, receptors in your brain allow certain tasks to happen while you sleep. Ie. certain chemicals are released to fight cancer when you sleep. also be u dont sleep then u will just be like this at school oh stuff this i dont care about work i will just go to sleep

Where does the soul go when human body sleep?

There are different cultural and religious beliefs about where the soul goes when the body sleeps. Some believe the soul remains connected to the body during sleep, while others believe it may travel to different realms or dimensions. In scientific terms, consciousness during sleep is still not completely understood.

What is the most days you can go without sleep?

It depends on the persons body and how it reacts to the loss of sleep

How do you stop urinating while sleeping?

right before u go to sleep use the bathroom and while ur sleep if u have to use the bathroom go to the bathroom!

Does eating heavy cause nightmares?

you shouldn't eat anything 4 hours before yoiu want to go to sleep because while you sleep then your body is not resting it is too busy trying to digest food. you are getting a restless sleep then and can remember your dreams.