Yes, I woke up three times this summer with blood pouring out of my right eye. It was a good amount of blood - like the same you would see with a nose bleed. I immediately rinsed my eye with water and blotted it dry with a towel. It stopped bleeding and my vision was fine and I went back to sleep. Its not a dream because people saw it and I have the soiled pillow and sheets as evidence. I made an appointment to find out what is the cause of these alarming incidents.
'Fractions' have nothing to do with the eye.
Eye crud, as lots of people call it, is caused by dirt and debris being removed from your eye while you are sleeping. It is mostly mucin, mucus in the eye, and proteins or oils.
yes it can
A cat's third eyelid, called the nictitating membrane, is visible when it is sleeping because it helps protect and moisten the eye while the cat is in a relaxed state.
Rapid eye movement. Used to talk about a phase of sleeping when the eyes make rapid movements.
no but i can bleed
It could. something fell in my eye while I was sleeping and it scratched it and made my vision blurry but prescription drops fixed it.
The duration of While You Were Sleeping is 1.72 hours.
While You Were Sleeping was created on 1995-04-21.
It means that you have seen something which you should not have. You bleed in the eye that means you saw wrong thing. You should now carefully avoid going outside.
If you don't bleed, you don't have a period. You can't have a period and not bleed.