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Q: Can the eye get its vision back after it has bleed?
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Why cat eye shine in dark?

They have a reflective layer at the back of the eye - intended to increase the effectiveness of their night-vision.

Can your eye bleed while sleeping?

Yes, I woke up three times this summer with blood pouring out of my right eye. It was a good amount of blood - like the same you would see with a nose bleed. I immediately rinsed my eye with water and blotted it dry with a towel. It stopped bleeding and my vision was fine and I went back to sleep. Its not a dream because people saw it and I have the soiled pillow and sheets as evidence. I made an appointment to find out what is the cause of these alarming incidents.

What is a Retinal hemorrhage?

Bleeding of the retina, a key structure in vision located at the back of the eye

Is your eye lens concave or convex?

The eye lens is convex in shape, which allows it to focus light onto the retina at the back of the eye, enabling clear vision.

What causes a bleed in the eye?

It all depends on where the bleed is and what the cause of the bleed is. Sometimes if people lift things that are too heavy or they cough too hard, then its possible to get a bleed in the eye. known as a subconjunctival heamorrage. You should always consult your doctor or optometrist when you find abnormalities of the eye. They could sometimes be vision threatening.

What is magnified vision in the eye called?

Aniseikonia is the term given to the magnified vision in the eye.

What is the best score for an eye vision test?

The best score for an eye vision test is typically 20/20, which means that a person can see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 20 feet. However, some people may have even better vision, such as 20/15 or 20/10.

In vision light rays first pass through what?

In vision, light rays first pass through the cornea and then through the lens before reaching the retina at the back of the eye.

What Is Retinal Detachment (RD)?

Retinal Detachment is a severe eye condition where the retina, a vital layer of tissue at the back of the eye, separates from its normal position. It can cause various symptoms, such as floaters, flashes of light, a curtain-like effect in the vision, or sudden vision loss. This eye condition needs Immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss.

Do Poodles with green eyes have the same vision as the ones with dark eyes?

Yes, poodles with green eyes typically have the same vision as those with dark eyes. Eye color does not necessarily affect vision in dogs. However, it's important to regularly monitor your poodle's eyes for any signs of changes or issues that may affect their vision.

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What is the cost of an eye exam at Pearle Vision ?

I think the cost an eye exam at Pearle Vision is approximately $115.00